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We're now on a new server.

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Staff member
Over the weekend, I've been working around the clock, working towards getting the server done. I hit a low on Saturday because I didn't know how to restore the database I backed up. I was lost, so the very next day, out of necessity, I restored the files on the new server, and hit a few errors.

Today, I talked to customer service at the new server, called SoftLayer. What's SoftLayer? It's a very well known hosting company for websites and such. Owned by IBM, it's one of the largest datacenters in United States.

A friend of mine hosted a 2 million posts site on the same exact host. And I feel like it's the perfect home for CarlosX360 Networked sites including CODForums. We get thousands of views every day, every month, and by the end of the year - we get hundreds of thousands.

So, what are the benefits? Faster, more powerful, more robust server.

This is what I ordered:

2 GHz CPU (2x Cores). We were running only ONE. No, I'm not kidding. We were running only one.
2 GB RAM. We were running 780MB the first year, the second year, and then expanded the next year to 1GB.
We now have 25GB disk available. We were using 30, but I'll compromise because we weren't using much. I was a very careful admin.
We also have 5k Gigs of bandwidth. That means we have enough room to breathe. So, when Advanced Warfare lands on store shelves, don't be surprised by the questions, and threads. Advanced Warfare has a lot of things new. I expect a traffic spike in the months to come.

I also ordered a nice, and beautiful 1Gbps port. That means, between you and the datacenter, it's going to register quite quickly. I put this to the test a few times, and I found that restoring the site was so quick, I was amazed by the results.


Staff member
A new update to users: I've moved the site to a new server in the same datacenter. I acquired a new site to join CarlosX360 Network, and I'm currently finalizing a few things here and there. This acquisition resulted in my server being maxed out.

So, instead of 25GB, we now have 100GB. The specs are the same, just that the disk size has just expanded. I also ordered a 30GB second disk, but that's going to have a different use.
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