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Black Ops 3,Modern Warfare 4,Ghosts 2 ???

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Do you think the Call of Duty franchise will ever stop? I mean now they're talking about MW4 ,there will be a Ghosts 2 for sure because we saw a "will be continued" and ofcourse black ops 2 was a very good success..So I guess then we will have Black Ops 4 and Advanced Warfare 2? Do you think we will ever see an ending to all this?
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Staff member
1. MW4 is Advanced Warfare. They've already planned a trilogy for it.
2. Ghosts 2 is definitely coming.
3. Black Ops 3 is the next one, since BO2 was successful enough.


BO3 and Ghosts 2 are for sure, but I dont think Advanced Warfare is MW4.it mentions nowhere about Captain Price or soap

Also Black ops 3 should have no campaign.The previous one sucked and most people have bought it for multiplayer
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