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Favourite gun?

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What is your favourite gun in MW2? What are your favorite attachments for that gun?
My favourite gun is the ump scilenced, for some reason I always seem to do well with it.
My favourite gun in Modern Warfare 2 is the intervention, I loved trickshotting and quickscoping with it back in 2009. I used to love playing with the intervention in rust as it's such an easy map to quick-scope and trick-shot. My second favourite is the Scar-H, I had unlocked everything on it as well as the intervention. I used to play every game with a selection of those 2 guns with different attachments and lethals etc.



My favourite gun in Modern Warfare 2 is the intervention, I loved trickshotting and quickscoping with it back in 2009. I used to love playing with the intervention in rust as it's such an easy map to quick-scope and trick-shot. My second favourite is the Scar-H, I had unlocked everything on it as well as the intervention. I used to play every game with a selection of those 2 guns with different attachments and lethals etc.

I liked the intervention too, probably my favorite sniper, but I'm not a very good quickscoper so i don't use it often. Now that you mention it the Scar-H was a really good gun too, especially if you could get extended mag for it.


My favorite gun would be the ak-74u. I like it because it has good power and can be used at all ranges. It fires fast by itself but with rapid fire it empties a magazine in less than 3 or 4 seconds. It works for spray and pray because of this reason as well. If someone jumps out in front of you at any point you can just start shooting without even aiming and you're likely to kill him.


My fav gun would have to be the ACR with a holographic sight. It was a pretty accurate gun with not that much recoil. It had a high fire rate and did pretty good damage. My second fav would be the ak47 as it was extremely powerful but it had alot of recoil that could easily be controlled.


My favourite gun in Modern Warfare 2 is the intervention, I loved trickshotting and quickscoping with it back in 2009. I used to love playing with the intervention in rust as it's such an easy map to quick-scope and trick-shot. My second favourite is the Scar-H, I had unlocked everything on it as well as the intervention. I used to play every game with a selection of those 2 guns with different attachments and lethals etc.

I liked the intervention because I'm a sniper at heart and favor it over the semi-automatic sniper rifles because I am able to get one shot kills with it better than the semi-autos. The only reason my, "favorite," is the ak-74u was because it's what I use on most maps and get a great majority of my kills with. I guess you could say that I liked sniping better but wasn't as good at it.


Haha, it's a tough call because I personally loved all the MW2 guns, but as said above it's got to be the intervention.
As a quickscoper I'd use the intervention regularly for trickshotting. Also just generally sniping, as I found getting one hit kills particularly easy with it, especially as I prefer bolt-action snipers.
Close second would probably be the AK47.


UMP silenced was one of the best guns in MW2 and I loved it. The close second is dual g18s. My highest killstreak of 36 was with a bolt action sniper, those g18s and scavenger. I think I got 7 kills with the sniper, 15 or so kills with a chopper gunner and the rest with the g18s. There was so much rage in the lobby afterwards it was hilarious. Too bad I didn't have nuke on.


UMP silenced was one of the best guns in MW2 and I loved it. The close second is dual g18s. My highest killstreak of 36 was with a bolt action sniper, those g18s and scavenger. I think I got 7 kills with the sniper, 15 or so kills with a chopper gunner and the rest with the g18s. There was so much rage in the lobby afterwards it was hilarious. Too bad I didn't have nuke on.

Damn how could I forget about the UMP45! That gun was truly overpowered though haha, I remember getting kills across the map with the silencer on, all it needed was 2/3 bullets to hit and you'd have your kill! haha. Come to think of it, the UMP45 was a BEAST of a gun.


I loved the dual 1887s until they got patched and wouldn't work anymore.
The javelin was always fun.
But I split my time evenly between the Intervention and the Barret. Slap a thermal scope on either and nothing could stop you.
I like a lot, but if I had to pick one, it would be the UMP silenced. I've been using it since like I got the game, and I enjoy using it a lot! I use ACR and TAR-21 a lot, too, though.


UMP45, because I rush a lot and that thing was just overpowered. Attaching a silencer it was a pure destroyer. As a rusher I actually liked the AA-12 shotgun aswell. When you put extended mags on and take the scavenger perk it it was a beast. You could just spam people down with it. But yet again, shotguns couldn't do anything even in middle distance, so it could only be used in small maps or maps in which you can navigate trough close quarters. So basicly the UMP45<all the other guns.


By far, hands down the Intervention. I love the way it feels and acts. It is the best bolt action gun across all of the CoD titles in my opinion. I also enjoy the use of the UMP45 even though it is ridiculously over-powered. Another one of my favorite guns is the SPAS-12. I love running around smaller maps and destroying people with it from range.


Favorite Weapon was easily the Tar-21. The real life counter-part is one of my favorite fire arms in the world, and the design of it is just so well made. The Bullpup design offers accurate full auto fire, and the gun itself just looks sleek. Slapping a Silencer on it made it incredibly accurate, and reduced the Recoil to the point that you could easily pop targets at max range by simply tapping the fire button. Close second would probably have to be the ACR though. That laser cannon was absolutely amazing. Much like the ACR, all I would have to do is slap a silencer on it to full auto targets across Derailed with ease.


My favorite gun is the MP5k. All my friends thought that gun was really annoying but I loved it. It feels like the perfect all around gun to me, it has a really good rate of fire, an okay damage, and it's an SMG, so you run fast. My favorite part though is the look of it. The gun itself looks amazing with any camo, and the sights are really useful and easy to see with.
The FAMAS; I like burst weapons in general, but sometimes they lack potency. The MW 2 FAMAS is definitely not such a case, but it's not OP, either.
My favorite gun was the UMP either silenced or with EM/FMJ. A close second was the Famas RD.

It is pretty coincidental that these two ended up being the most overused guns in the game.

But I liked them initially because I'm a huge Rainbow Six fan and I really enjoyed both the Famas and UMP in that game and was excited to test them out in CoD. Fortunately for me, neither were lacking in power and accuracy.


My favorite gun was the AK-47 hands down. It had everything. It was probably the best gun in CoD MW 2.
Once I hit level 70 in MW2, I never prestiged because I didn't want to lose my AK-47.

AK-47 with silencer was the deadliest weapon in the game.


SCAR-H Definitely, I loved the iron sight and the silencer definitely gave it an awesome advantage! I gotta play MW2 again, Only problem I see is that there is many hackers now :(
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