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Xbox Live Rz clan Recruiting on Xbox 360

Rz Clan

We are a sniping clan striving to bring you the best footage of the call of duty series we are looking to grow in numbers for a tryout message Rz Beasty say "Rzrc1"

SoVi Clan

Hey Rz, SoVi here,

just wondering, how many members do you have? We have only just started out too and it would be nice to know how others are doing compared :)
If you want, check out our website (http://soviclan.simdif.com) and see what you think :)

SoVi Clan

SoVi Clan

Cool. Ill check it out now :)

Nice vids. Also i love the intro :) subscribed too.
Likewise, would you mind checking us out? Links to the channels are on our website http://soviclan.simdif.com
If tou wanted, maybe we could set up and record a clan wars sort of thing at sniping. your clan on one team, our clan on the other. I would imagine it would be pretty good :) Anyways, just message me back about what you think

Thanks again,

Rz Clan

yeah i think we could do a 3v3 tbh you on xbox 360 yeah?
Add Rz Beasty and we can sort it out some time?

SoVi Clan

yeah. im on 360. sounds good beasty. ill add you in. moment :) im SoVi Tweepz by the way and the other co leader is SoVi Jinkz. Looking forward to it :)-

SoVi Clan

sorry i couldnt join. video was uploading so internet lagged, but just message me or Jinkz about when we are going to stage the clan 3 on 3

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