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Sick call of duty Montages!


Im Adam or AiDeN Alchemi.
I am making gaming videoes, mostly CoD in the moment as i really like to edit and play call of duty. I would say that i make pretty alright montages. If you would like to see some dope montages and call of duty videos, my channel is the one you should be checking out. I usually make a new montage every monday, and maybe a random video in one of the weekdays. Tune onto my channel for more info! I am the leader of the clan AiDeN with two other leaders as well. We created the clan and we all do Youtube. If you would like to be a part of AiDeN, give me a message and we will check you out and if we feel you fit in, you will get thorug a trial test. Other than that its been Adam or AiDeN Alchemi, and im out.

My youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqpkyo7Upsz30FaJGL3kXJw

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