• Greetings, Devil Dog! Welcome to the Call of Duty Forums. It looks like you're looking forward to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, but haven't created an account yet. Why not take a minute to register for your own free account now? As a member you get free access to all of our forums and posts plus the ability to post your own messages, communicate directly with other members and much more.

PSN VoiD Now Recruiting ( 15 Slots Left )

VoiD is now open for recruitment. We are a new clan and need a playerbase. There are some rules and regulations as follows
You must have a microphone. This is a deal breaker if you do not have one.
You must have AT LEAST a 1.0 K/D
No excessive swearing please.
Must be active ( Atleast one hour per day )
MUST BE 13+ YEARS OLD. No Squeakers.

We will be playing core AND hardcore as a clan, and if necessary, go into quickscope battles, so I'd prefer that you have atleast some experience quickscoping.

The roster is empty right now, so message me on PSN ( Void_Ultimatum ) and we can work out a time for tryouts. The spot for Co-Leader is still open.

The games we will be on are as follows : Mw1, Mw2, BO1, Bo2. ( And hopefully ghosts and AW soon )

We will primarily be playing black ops 2.

Thanks for reading
Leader - VoiD_Ultimatum


hey i would like to join if possible, i dont have a kd of 1.0 but im hoping that i can join with a compromise to such? i have a mic and i play mw2 mw3 bo2 and ghosts for ps3 and aw for ps4, i mostly play bo2, my psn if u would like to talk more is the same as my name here
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I would like to join, my pan name is qbstar9 (it's not that good btw cause I've had it since I was like 10, I am currently 13 going on 14 in 2 months.) I don't think my k/d is 1 but that's cause I used to be bad. I'm also going to make a new account if I get into a clan. Thanks

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