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Recent content by JBenn911

  1. J

    MW3 - Modern Mic Chatter 3 - Stop the Mic Chatter (IRL video)

    Wow.. lmao !!! Beardnor, that was awesome !!! I'm old and don't have ninja mute button skills anymore....love the vids !!!! J
  2. J

    What is your favourite Rifle?

    dont really agree that it's in the right category, but I am a BIG fan of the STG w/scope, regular rifle, it's the Gewehr!
  3. J

    whats ur ownage weap?

    On the rare occasions I fire up COD4... LOL RPD with RDS Frag/Stun Claymores Jammer Extreme Conditioning
  4. J

    Different kinds of Claymores, Adapted from the old kind.

    How about something like this ??? My grandfather, father and I all used Claymores while serving..They are getting a bit long in the tooth ;) M86 Pursuit Deterrent Munition (PDM)
  5. J


    Jim here from NJ....Been a COD junkie since day one...LOL.. Currently playing W@W pretty much exclusively..COD4 is getting pretty dusty these days...:D
  6. J

    What else are you playing right now?

    Red Faction Guerilla and Ghost Busters on the PS3, Awaiting Wolfenstein tomorrow !!!!!!!!!
  7. J

    List Your Customized Weapons/Perks?

    Primary: STG-44 (Scoped) Secondary: 357 Primary Grenade: Frag Secondary: Tabun Perk1: Betties Perk2: Stopping Power Perk3: Steady Aim Vehicle: Ordinance Training
  8. J

    Leaked and Confirmed

    Nice list...Let's hope it holds true for the most part !!
  9. J

    First thing you will do when you get MW2?

    Most likely, I'll do the same as you.. I had some extra vacation time, so I took the day of and day after release off.. LOL !! Play some story mode, just to get a feel and see what characters have returned, and then hop on the MP!! Going to be BRUTAL on multiplayer..The server load is going to...
  10. J

    Which Version will you buy?

    Regular here.. I still have the original COD on disc for PC, dont need to pay extra for it..nor the rumored 1200 ms points they are going to want for it... Just want the game!!