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Recent content by lauralolyvrataric

  1. L

    PC TXC Gaming

    Toxic Gaming TeamSpeak Community Heyy guys, its Laura. o/ Im here to remind you of our great TeamSpeak service as a community. From intence gaming to casual conversations, we have it all. (feels like Im selling one of those vacum cleaners on late night TV hahah :'D) aaanyyyyway. :') We have...
  2. L

    PC Toxic Gaming TeamSpeak Community

    Hey guuuys! So hi, Im Laura nice to meet you all:D I'm happy to say that this is literally the best teamspeak I've ever been on. Since the day I came, I havent felt bored, or unwanted. From the first moment I came on this teamspeak I had fun and people actually payed attention to everyone...