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Recent content by ProphetKrunk

  1. P

    Shader Optimization

    Do you have your graphics driver set to automatically update? The reason I ask, is that's why the shader install starts again every so often, typically after a driver update.
  2. P

    I don't remember, sorry.

    I don't remember, sorry.
  3. P

    What's with this score?

    They Held the HQ for longer, it's not about kills there is an overall objective.
  4. P

    Shader Optimization

    Go into Options - Graphics and select Restart Shaders Installation Once complete exit the game and restart. Hope this helps.
  5. P

    Plunder - Blood Money: Do People Actually?

    Play this mode because they want to WIN and have more objectives than just TDM, or do they just use it for ranking up and improving KD:R. I swear the more I play it, the more I see players just camping for kills and unlocks. Always "Superstore" and always for kills never for cash. Hi by the way
  6. P

    When I drink too much, I speak the truth!

    When I drink too much, I speak the truth!