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Recent content by Tedo

  1. T

    PSN Looking for clan

    HI! We need members for our sniping clan, we're really trying hard to get big but we need players! This is our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2AfdKOAtRIKXQotVT2guLA Thanks! If you are interest our email is: ptd.i.clan@gmail.com!
  2. T

    Xbox Live Need a clan to join

    HI! We need members for our sniping clan, we're really trying hard to get big but we need players! This is our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2AfdKOAtRIKXQotVT2guLA Thanks!
  3. T

    Multi We Need Members

    Hi, msg me on skype: te0dosko
  4. T

    Multi We Need Members

    No Problem! I have to thank you.
  5. T

    Multi We Need Members

    About games honestly every cod and yeah we are giving tryouts just need your skype so i can talk to you there, if you don't want to say your skype here you can always email us on: ptd.i.clan@gmail.com
  6. T

    Multi We Need Members

    Not really, we just need people on our level. We are not the best either as i said.
  7. T

    Multi We Need Members

    Mainly PS4 but PC too. Thanks for the reply!
  8. T

    Multi We Need Members

    Hi Everyone! We need people for our sniping clan, the standarts are not high because we are not the best either. We have some montages the most recent is 5 days ago, since we are not lot of people its hard for us to upload regularly, but we are planning to get bigger and better as a team. Thank...
  9. T

    Multi We Need Members

    Hi Everyone! We need people for our sniping clan, the standarts are not high because we are not the best either. We have some montages the most recent is 5 days ago, since we are not lot of people its hard for us to upload regularly, but we are planning to get bigger and better as a team. Thank...
  10. T

    Multi We need people for our sniping clan

    Hi everyone, We are searching for people for our sniping clan. The clan was created 1 year ago the standarts are not high since we are not the best, but we will get better together as a team. We have some montages which i think are very well edited. We need serious people who are into Call of...