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Recent content by TheMiskeens

  1. T

    Don't post in the wrong places.

    Hey everyone, I sorta have this series going called Quick Cod where i edit down a match of Cod to about a minute or two so its more entertaining and I just uploaded one playing Black Ops 3 where i hit this pretty awesome noscope :D I'd really appreciate it if you checked the video out and maybe...
  2. T

    Crazy Noscope [Quick Cod - Black Ops 3 in 1 minute]

    Hey everyone, I sorta have this series going called Quick Cod where i edit down a match of Cod to about a minute or two so its more entertaining and I just uploaded one playing Black Ops 3 where i hit this pretty awesome noscope :D I'd really appreciate it if you checked the video out and maybe...
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    Hey guys i hit a triple collateral feed with the locus sniper and it was sick! Sorry for coughing so much after i hit the triple xD I was shocked lol
  4. T

    Black Ops 2 Match in 2 Minutes

    Hey everyone I have a very small youtube channel and I just started a new series called Quick Cod, where I play a game or two and just edit it down to about 2 minutes and I was wondering (and hoping) if you guys could please take a look and give me feedback? The video is only 2 and a half...
  5. T

    Black Ops 2 Match in 2 Minutes

    Hey everyone I have a very small youtube channel and I just started a new series called Quick Cod, where I play a game or two and just edit it down to about 2 minutes and I was wondering (and hoping) if you guys could please take a look and give me feedback? The video is only 2 and a half...