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Recent content by x BAABY JESUS

  1. X

    Xbox Live Looking for a Xbox One Clan / New Faces to play with :)

    Hi all, I'm 28 years old and have played COD for a long time, i lost interest for a while as I didn't like the gameplay.. I'm hoping ww2 has brought back the old style of gameplay i grew up with :) I ideally would like to join a relaxed clan with group of older/mature people, no teenagers...
  2. X

    Xbox Gamertag Thread

    x BAABY JESUS Feel free to add, I'm based in the UK
  3. X

    Play now - Gamertag list

    Gamertag: x BAABY JESUS Country / Timezone: UK, GMT Favourite Game Mode: Demolition/ S&D
  4. X

    Haven't been this exited for a CoD for a very long time!!

    Haven't been this exited for a CoD for a very long time!!