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Recent content by xBassDropYETIx

  1. xBassDropYETIx

    Quick Question

    So I checked into some things over the weekend. It seems that the character loadout (boots, exo, gloves, etc) is generic when you play hardcore. Everybody has the same look. Once you hop on normal then everything shows up.
  2. xBassDropYETIx

    Quick Question

    Talking about online multiplayer. My exo loadout during the game doesn't match what I set up pregame.
  3. xBassDropYETIx

    Quick Question

    It is my default though....
  4. xBassDropYETIx

    Quick Question

    I haven't been able to find anything about this so I though I would ask it here. I noticed that when I play, the character loadout I choose (helmet, boots, exo, etc.) doesn't show up in the actual gameplay. Everybody has generic loadout during the game. I have been playing primarily hardcore...
  5. xBassDropYETIx

    Hey Guys!

    Hey everybody this is xBassDropYETIx saying hello! I came over from destroyrepeat.com and enjoyed it over there so I figured this would be just as enjoyable of an experience! I am 21 and live in Alaska. Casual gamer on the Xbox 360 and One. Talk to you guys in the forums!