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Multi Why VoiD is just better


Because we are

Because we are VoiD

Because our clan color is purple

Because our K/D is just better

Because our W/L is just better

Because we got more gun camos then you

Because we are a higher rank than you

Because we get more kills then you

Because we carry our team

Because we got more money then you

Because we got more fans then you

Because we are sponsored

Lol now don’t take this list seriously guys there are people who have beaten us (unfortunately) and who tf cares about money and K/D and W/L. In all honesty it really does not matter worth a damn and if you think it does, well you don’t have a very bright future. It’s about playing the game having fun and making our fans laugh and have emotion. It’s not mostly about the money the cars the sponsors ect. So don’t take this comment seriously I’m 100% just joking. Don’t forget to like the comment and follow me on TapaTalk to keep up with all my posts

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