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DMZ How Do You Advance In DMZ??


The Equalizer
There doesn't seem to be any way to retain your stuff in DMZ... I have tried quick exfils, but the next game I get killed and lose all my stuff...

It's IMPOSSIBLE to complete any of the missions that allow someone to advance, what with the overwhelming number of AIs guarding the missions..

DMZ seems to be the worst COD title since VANGUARD...

There are so many things wrong with it..

Can't wait to see how massive a drop off DMZ has when PLUNDER is back open.. :^/


The Equalizer
It also would be nice if you got more points for killing operators than you do for killing AIs

Killing an AI and an Operator gets 100points..

Killing Operators should be 5X the points of killing AIs...


The Equalizer
Welp, I guess we have to face reality... For us casual gamers, PLUNDER is gone and we're stuck with DMZ.. :( :(

Bowing to the inevitable, I decided to post some hints and tips I have learned (the hard way!!) to make DMZ at least palatable..

Keep in mind that these hints and tips come from the perspective of a casual just wanna have fun gamer.. As a casual gamer, my one over-riding goal is survival.. I always want to escape with my skin (and my shit) intact..

Your intents and goals may be different so adjust accordingly..

First and foremost.. Cowardice is key.. Avoid combat if at all possible.. I know I know.. That's kinda counter-intuitive to what COD is all about.. But, as in PLUNDER, my overall goal is not to die.. It's annoying in WZ/PLUNDER... In WZ2/DMZ it's catastrophic, game-wise...

So I go for quick in and out missions ( that's what she said!!) hehehehe :D Sorry.. Sorry 'bout that..

Anyways, first thing I do is find my nearest EXFIL spot and start heading towards it.. Collect what you can along the way. Emphasis on looking for shit that completes yer missions.. But remember, the overall goal is to make it out alive and well-stocked.. I have literally played matches where I spawned less than 100 m from an exfil spot. Hit a few houses and buildings and ZIIIP.. I was outta there.. Total game time, maybe 2-3 mins.. I know it sounds ridiculous, but a successful EXFIL has a lot of rewards, including time that cuts into the COOL DOWN period if you DO die..

As far as load out, get a silenced rifle as soon as possible.. You can do a LOT of damage with a good silenced rifle and usually get out virtually un-noticed with nothing but a trail of bodies to show you were ever there.. AI NPCs are really stoopid and you can get them off your tail by simply fading away.. Hit and run tactics.. Pop a few, leave the area, then come back when the NPCs resume their patrol routes, then hit 'em again..

Situational awareness is key.. Know who and what is in your area... Find some high ground and scope the area with a good sniper rifle.. I have had about a half dozen OPERATOR kills from a distance. They never knew what hit them.. If you DO take down an Operator, don't just run over to collect his shit.. Chances are good that he or she is part of a team.. If you got some distance on them, just down an Operator and wait to see if a buddy shows up to revive.. Then take them both out... It's VERY satisfying to take out a team.. At least for me it is.. :D

Those are the best suggestions I have come up with so far.. Cowardice is key.. :D


nearly smashed my pc 4 times trying to get the white lotus intel. before that i went all over killed many and went and exfil nice and easy, i thought i was the only person there.
realised to progress and have more than 1 load out a day??
10th time trying i actually got the white lotus intel (never there before), goes to exfil a team of baby cowards insta killed me, next game kills 150 guards and no key gets one in the end, gets the intel, gets to exfil, gas causes chopper to abort, thats NOT bad luck thats the game stacking against me. rinse and repeat. if i was in a room with a dev, i would rip him apart. not played warzone2 yet as i only got 1 gun half ranked up.

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