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  1. Nimrod

    Alright I had enough.

    Cold War? No idea, haven't touched it since I made this topic really.
  2. Nimrod

    I love hijacking threads

    Hi. Bans make it more difficult for people to use cheats initially. Because people want to achieve something and not restart over and over again. The companies that sell cheats can't be persecuted easily as the investigation would mostly sting in to international territory, turn in to an...
  3. Nimrod

    My Take on Modern Warfare vs. Cold War (Multiplayer Only)

    I see, yeah I never played in a league nor do I know how to get in to one. I would probably lack the time anyway to train with some team at certain times. World at War as amazing. The reason for me was because I loved Call of Duty 1 which was based in WW2. I played some Multiplayer there as...
  4. Nimrod

    What do you think of the new CODForums?

    I think it is not so much about not understanding politics, I think it is just living in different environments with people who have different mentalities, minds and different ways of problem solving as well as a different motivation based on different histories as well as different problems...
  5. Nimrod

    I love hijacking threads

    I don't care if this might be against the forum rules or not. But are you trying to compensate your very small genital and the pressure you experience by not finding your first girlfriend at an advanced age by using/selling hacks like this or is it the lack of other skills such as honest work...
  6. Nimrod


    No prob. Like, your hardware seems fine to me for playing CoD in general. Maybe someone who has more of a clue about hardware can join and help you to find a solution. I work in IT but I really don't know too much about how hardware, only basic stuff about processors and graphic cards and what...
  7. Nimrod

    My Take on Modern Warfare vs. Cold War (Multiplayer Only)

    I don't know what competitive means, like in a clan or earning money and prices by playing competitions? Because I mostly end up #1 when playing and I can manage this with all weapons in-game except for sniper rifles and marksman rifles. ( even if I play pistol only against others ). So for me...
  8. Nimrod

    Alright I had enough.

    In my experience, modern warfare was nothing like Cold War in the beginning. It has more content, was more stabile and was overall much better designed. Sure there were some flaws that people experienced, but worked very well for me and if you throw a look at the content, graphics and such, you...
  9. Nimrod

    My Take on Modern Warfare vs. Cold War (Multiplayer Only)

    Wow, you are being very very generous on Cold War. And I personally disagree with every contra point you have made about modern warfare, especially because no one forces you to make camo challenges, and the other 3 points aren't true in my experience. The guns are balanced, they differ a lot...
  10. Nimrod

    After reaching Elite status for my AK-47 and....

    Yeah the Amax what they call it has this easy feel to it when playing it. Not sure what it is but it always feels to me like what I hit goes down, the AK is powerful too but does not feel as powerful as the Amax + Amax seems to have more options in terms of customization/modification. You can...
  11. Nimrod

    Why is call of duty discriminating everyone?

    But if they exclude flags because they worry about issues then they should remove all flags and having Iran, Pakistan and so on as part of the flag repetoire.. Nah. I think there are other reasons for that. Either way it's wrong. I think they should either include all or non. Otherwise people...
  12. Nimrod

    What do you think of the new CODForums?

    I see. I thing pages load fast enough, like no issues in general. Political discussions go never well. lol. Especially if we consider we are from all around the world.
  13. Nimrod


    Probably a very basic question..but have you played around with the settings for each game a bit? Lowering graphics, turning off shader and post pro and so on and on ?
  14. Nimrod

    Why is call of duty discriminating everyone?

    Why is call of duty discriminating everyone? Usually I am not the kind of guy who screams out about such rubbish, but I gotta say that I find the choice of country's flags you can choose for your calling card in modern warfare is pretty shi... I mean why do they got some minor and (sorry to...
  15. Nimrod

    What do you think of the new CODForums?

    Hi. I don't know the old forums so I can't say much about what has improved. I don't have a direct suggestion in terms of mechanics as for me it feels all as it should be really, easy to use and so on. But I would really like to see if the name of the loung and lobby can be changed as it is...
  16. Nimrod

    How did you find CODForums.com?

    I love how everyone came here to rant and complain about CoD CW... LOL I also enjoy the tolerance of Carlos, this is the only forum I have seen in a long time in which you can use swear words and be a true asshole from time to time without getting warnings and bans. Although I would understand...
  17. Nimrod

    happy thanksgiving

    Happy thanksgiving, although we don't have that in my country. Would surely enjoy some big ass turkey. Seems like I gotta wait until Christmas.
  18. Nimrod

    Bring back shipment 24/7

    They will bring it back, it appears to be there from time to time.
  19. Nimrod

    After reaching Elite status for my AK-47 and....

    After reaching Elite status for my AK-47 and pretty much playing this gun like my life depends from it, I have to admit.............. ... That it just sucks and is inferior to almost all other assault rifles ;`-( Like, I really was good with it and felt like it's a...