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Search results

  1. V

    Multi Looking for friends BO6

    I am NA
  2. V

    Multi Looking for friends BO6

    I enjoy playing BO6 but hate playing alone looking for a group to play with. Message me here so we can talk.
  3. V

    Multi Looking for clan

    looking for a clan to paly with and have fun with looking for NA i play on PC but ok playing with anyone one. Prefer more mature communities being in my 30's.
  4. V

    PC Looking for clan

    NA looking for clan to learn and improve with. I am im my 30's so prefer a more mature community. I Play on PC.
  5. V

    Multi PC looking for friends

    30 year old PC gamer looking for friends to play cod with been playing since mw2 the original one. took a break from cod for the last few but back and wanting to play.