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Search results

  1. Inox Executive

    Gold camo challenge TAQ-V

    Easy in Hardcore.
  2. Inox Executive

    Gold camo challenge TAQ-V

    Why the hell do I have a .50 GS challenge (anaconda camo) in the gold-challenge for the TAQ-V? I need 15 double-kills with the .50 GS to get that! That's nearly impossible.
  3. Inox Executive

    Unknown operator skin

    Thx a lot.
  4. Inox Executive

    Unknown operator skin

    another pic
  5. Inox Executive

    Unknown operator skin

    Hi, there. Many players use a new operator skin, brown/green with yellow stripes and a dark mask. On the hoodie is written LOI or L01. I don't find it in any operator. Any idea?
  6. Inox Executive

    New update - new bugs

    Update ! It's not only the NZ-41, this flashlight-bug appears with all weapons!!!
  7. Inox Executive

    New update - new bugs

    First: the prestige system is still f***ed up. Unbelievable, that they can't fix it. The favorite loadout jumps always to somewhere, after playing zombies. Also the multiplayer loadout after a Zombies-match. The NZ-41 is now unplayable, if you wanna use the flashlight in Zombies. It shines...
  8. Inox Executive

    Removing most of the stuff from Hardcore .. why???

    Meanwhile the scoreboard is back, and there are more maps in HC.
  9. Inox Executive

    Removing most of the stuff from Hardcore .. why???

    You are right in every point. I don't know, why they call it Hardcore. To me it's much more realistic, to kill someone with 1 to 5 bullets in HC, as to need 30 bullets in "normal" mode. The scoreboard helps you not only to report possible cheaters (I know, that some players abuse that to...
  10. Inox Executive

    Hardcore issues

    Where is the pacing setting in HC since the new update? Why are the new maps not available in HC? I wonder, if activision doesn't like HC-Players. And, finally, where the hell is the scoreboard AFTER a match, now you cannot invite players, you cannot mark cheaters and so on.