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Search results

  1. V

    Call of Duty: Ghosts Campaign...good or bad?

    COD: Ghosts campaign was okay, but not as good as other COD games. I really was disappointed that it was over-hyped to be all this and that, when it turned out to be mediocre. If I had to choose between COD: Ghosts and previous COD games, I would choose COD: Black Ops 2 as the best so far...
  2. V

    "I'm here! C'mon, get to tha choppah!!!" LOL

    Simply wanted to present myself to this forum and see you all around!
  3. V

    WIll CoD:AW be bigger than GTA:V?

    Maybe, maybe not. Personally, I don't think COD: AW will surpass GTA V in its release date performance, because the latter game has far more things for players to do and has more bang for buck. COD:AW will get old to play quick like most shooting games and people know this fact. If COD can't...
  4. V

    What if you can Cross Console fight ?

    Seriously, I have been wishing for this cross-over console game playing for years now, and I know it can be done - but I'm sure console producers want the most for their money and will prevent this from happening for a long time; or maybe they'll change their mind about it in the near future. I...
  5. V

    Infected & Gun Game Return in Advanced Warfare

    Thanks for the info. I figure COD: AW would have zombies return, because COD: Ghost extraterrestrial scenario was boring and very limited in gameplay. I've always enjoyed playing zombies with my nephew, and when COD: AW are available to purchase, I'm definitely getting it - of course, I will try...
  6. V

    What's everyone's opinion on Advanced Warfare?

    Until Call of Duty, implements piloting vehicles as a mainstay of their gameplay, it's relatively the same type of game over and over with some few graphic advancements and gameplay tweaks. I think COD: AW will be the similar to many of their past games, judging from all the previews I've seen...
  7. V

    Is Advanced Warfare a Game Changer?

    All new games are game changer, otherwise it will be the same ole product sold over and over. OP, maybe you may want to rephrase your question to be more specific.