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Search results

  1. NickJ

    Will Existenz be the future?

    If anyone ever saw the movie from years ago, "Existenz". Starring Jude Law? And Jennifer Jason Leigh? Where a new video game allows people to play the game for real. And it plugs into their spinal column? Would you guys ever see that being the future of gaming? Where we can get ports surgically...
  2. NickJ

    What do you guys think when?

    When someone goes crazy and kills innocent people. And games like Call Of Duty get the blame for it? I think it's so annoying but also sad and narrow-minded at the same time.
  3. NickJ

    Sup Yall!

    Sup members! Call of Duti'er here from New York City!
  4. NickJ

    Best Call of Duty Cheat Codes?

    What are some of the best Call of Duty 2 cheat codes that you've come across, discovered, or found or were hooked up with?