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Search results

  1. Z

    PSN Looking for a GB team

    I am currently looking for a gb team that plays daily. I am a sub slayer but can play anything really. Unreal respawn player. Add me on psn -TooMxch- Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Z


    Xenial Nation is Recruiting for competitive, umg, mlg, and ranked play!! We will be playing in Twitter tournaments, mlg tournaments (2k, etc.) Add me on PSN if interested and we can talk Psn--- VoxinityXN
  3. Z


    Im a competitive player but took a short break from cod since bo2 but WW2 has grabbed my attention. I’m looking to play in Twitter tournaments/online tournaments. Then move to more in the future. I’m a AR anchor/Slayer. Know call outs and have put if this world gunskill.