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Search results

  1. H

    Multi We need fresh bodies for our clan Freedom Stick

    Required Adult or **mature Play at least 2-3 days a week. Preferred but required Mic English as primary language K/D over 1.0 Download the CoD app on your phone search for Freedom Stick and join us today. We are currently in 3rd in our division right now we just need more bodies for the grinder!
  2. H

    Xbox Live Looking for clan

    You would be a good fit for our clan we have a few members who love Search. Join Freedom Stick on the CoD app and start playing.
  3. H

    PSN Looking For PS4 Clan

    Join our clan Freedom Stick on the CoD app. We have players on all platforms.
  4. H

    Xbox Live Looking for Clan, 18+, experienced

    Our clan Freedom Stick has openings. Join from the CoD app and come play with us!
  5. H

    PSN Hi Looking for Clan I have 2.0+KD

    Hey man join us. Normally at least one of us on. Download the call of duty app on your phone and join our Squad. The name is Freedom Stick. Join us and from there you can add us all as friends. We are 3rd in our division right now.