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Search results

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    Warzone loadout opinion

    hey guys how you doing. so basically i really like running the HDR in warzone and i've been debating what weapon should i run with it. i have been using the m4 with no stock for a while. but i see many people and streamers going with grau/hdr class but i though the grau is long range weapon so 2...
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    Warzone need help improving

    thank you guys so much you are awesome i really appreciate you. have fun playing:)
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    Warzone need help improving

    hi guys how you doing. so i decided to download warzone and play it and i haven't played a shooter since cs 1.6 so i'm trying to improve but i'm wondering what is the best way to improve. playing with random squads(i don't have friends that play the game), or play solos ? thank you for your help