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Search results

  1. S

    Warzone Hardcore Warzone PLEASE!

    I'm not expecting anyone to play Hardcore if they don't want to. Plenty of us would CHOOSE to play Hardcore if we had the option.
  2. S

    Warzone Hardcore Warzone PLEASE!

    Well... that's the point, don't play hardcore play normal.
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    Warzone Hardcore Warzone PLEASE!

    Why can we not have Hardcore mode in Warzone? A lot of us would prefer it, if someone doesn't like Hardcore mode they can play the normal mode, why is it so difficult to add that option? Shooting someone half a dozen times to down them is not everyone's idea of fun.
  4. S

    Warzone Why would you remove trios again? Just why??

    Nah I'm rubbish. But my friends and I play this game for fun so if we get killed we laugh and start again. And it's not that hard to win 3 v 4
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    Warzone Why would you remove trios again? Just why??

    If three people can't take on a squad of 4, I'd suggest you get your mummy to give you a hug...
  6. S

    Warzone Why remove realism mode???

    Well that's the point, you like the other mode, a lot of us prefer this one. Take away Trios and you can have both.
  7. S

    Warzone Why remove realism mode???

    Why on Earth would they remove Realism mode Warzone??? Couldn't they just delete the 3 man squad version and have standard and realism 4 member modes? A lot of us would prefer Hardcore but Realism is a suitable compromise, and 3 man squad is redundant. A 3 man squad can easily take on a four man...