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Search results

  1. K

    Multi Plunder!!

    I have tried adding but doesn't work mate
  2. K

    Multi Looking for wz partners online name is D17foster__

    In blood money mate?
  3. K

    Multi Plunder!!

    Thanks for your reply, but not interested in joining a clan. Just looking for some people to play with.
  4. K

    Multi Plunder!!

    Looking to play with some new people, fed up of randoms, 2 of us from the UK. Play every evening and weekends. Only play Plunder, get in touch if you want some new squad members!!
  5. K

    Xbox Live 2 members needed!!

    Hi me and my husband play Plunder and we are looking for another 2 members to enjoy the game with!! We play mostly evenings and weekends. We are English, have headsets and also have good banter . We enjoy a good battle aswell as doing contracts etc.