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Search results

  1. O

    Do you use Specialist perk?

    I have a feeling that players above average tend to use Specialist bonuses instead of killstreaks. What do you think? How often do you use it yourself?
  2. O

    Has there been recent changes in the hardcore mode?

    I was playing hardcore mode for many months and everybody were made of paper before. Dying in milliseconds. Yet now I sometimes make two point blank shots from a shotgun and a guy doesn't die. What is it? Cheating? Or there was some patch in the hardcore mode?
  3. O

    COD - Shittiest matchups ever!

    Matchup algorithm in COD is so terrible I cannot believe that was not addressed in many years this game exists. From time to time I encounter that 5 strongest players are in one team and 5 weakest are in another. This makes the match not interesting for anyone. Absolute crap. The matchup...
  4. O

    WTF is Server Snapshot Error

    This thing is extremely annoying. About half of my games abruptly drop out because of a "Server Snapshot Error" This must be fixed asap.
  5. O

    Is FMJ a must have perk?

    FMJ is one of the very few perks that directly affect damage, so it seems like a natural choice to pick it for any weapon that does not deliver a single shot kill anyway. Or is it? Curious to hear your opinions.
  6. O

    Poor balance of weapons

    I am stating the obvious but I am sure it will increase playability if some weapons are boosted. Otherwise, who in the right mind would play with a pistol?? It is so underpowered. I used it for a little bit to unlock some stuff and it sucks big time!
  7. O

    Update that reinstalls the game?

    To the devs: For a large company that has such a huge budget these bulky updates that pretty much reinstall the entire game are not professional. Look around, other game developers have learned a while back how to optimise the installations. Not only your game is the largest ever on my HD...