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Search results

  1. S

    Warzone Hellish lag/glitch. Please HELP

    View: https://youtu.be/fRnpPpPTo34 Wow. I did it!!!!!
  2. S

    Warzone Hellish lag/glitch. Please HELP

    Hi guys. Please bear with me as is first post. Ive tried to attach a clip of whats going on, seems like lag or something,but Internet connection is good and its only just started since s2 reloaded. Obviously its frying my head. PLEASE HELP. Thanks a lot .
  3. S

    Warzone Still getting reticle glitch

    Hi folks I am sorry to have a bitch on my first post but really dont know where else to go. I started playing warzone in the original season 2, and have played a lot. In spite of this I am still not great. This is compounded by the fact that I use a large tv as a monitor, a rubbish controller...