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Search results

  1. CODNinja

    BO2 / Knives to a Gun Fight!

  2. CODNinja

    BO2 = Double Shield Glitch

  3. CODNinja

    Hidden Rabbit's (Parish) <- The Best Hidden Ever!

    ;) Guys we really had a good time making this video and I hope you have a great time watching it. -Thank you everyone, Dingo
  4. CODNinja

    MW3 - Hidden Rabbit's (Gulch)

    ;);) An Excellent example of how team work can win you a game, with very little effort. Hope you enjoy this ! :D
  5. CODNinja

    Hidden Rabbit's (Boardwalk)

    ;) This is very similar to the hidden masters, so if your a person that cant enjoy a Pepsi from time to time because you drink coke this probably isn't for you.... but to everyone else enjoy. Me and my associates make these videos because its fun and we have a good time, and i share them with...
  6. CODNinja

    MW3 - Fun Ways to F*#k a Juggernaut! (Take a Stab!) Ep. 8

  7. CODNinja

    Hidden Rabbit's (Decommission)

  8. CODNinja

    MW3 - Fun Ways to F*#k a Juggernaut! (Ep. 2 Part 1)

  9. CODNinja

    MW3 - Fun Ways to F*#K a Juggernaut
