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Search results

  1. Cold Ransom

    Introducing Cold Ransom! :D

    What is up Gamers, Geeks, Nerds, and Friendly by-standers! My name is Cold Ransom and I am super excited to be apart of this new Forum! My reasoning for joining this forum is to better interact with the type of people who I believe might be interested in viewing the content I create. I make...
  2. Cold Ransom

    My Opinion on the Call of Duty Franchise--What do you think??

    What is up gamers, geeks, nerds, and often small children think they're NadeShot! Hey guys, Cold Ransom here today to give you guys my opinion on the Call of Duty Franchise as a whole. Now please do keep in mind that I am an avid player and lover of Call of Duty, so my opinion may seem somewhat...