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  1. ReaperTV

    What are your opinions so far?

    I also haven't bought it yet since i'm buying an xbone and the buying AW for it. But from what I see it looks pretty good. The graphics are nice and the maps seem to be good. I've seen a lot of competitive players who like this game as well.
  2. ReaperTV

    A different engine

    They are using a heavily modified version of the new engine. I think it is still the quake 3 engine, just heavily modified. I wish they would use a new engine though. It would fix a lot of problems. But I guess they don't have time.
  3. ReaperTV

    Worst Call Of Duty Multiplayer So Far?

    It was way to laggy. Maps were terrible. The graphics were poor. I didn't enjoy at all. It could have been a decent game if there weren't any Ieds. That basically ruined the entire game for me. It got me so mad that I didn't even rage, just sat there and accepted it. The lag was a huge problem...
  4. ReaperTV

    Which system has the most competitive players?

    I would like to say Xbox One since the MLG is on Xbox. However, I heard that PS3 and PS4 are starting to get bigger in COD players. As of right now I would say X360 but people will start to get Xones and play on that more and more.
  5. ReaperTV

    What has been killing the COD series over the past few years?

    I don't think the game is being worse year after year. I think its getting better year after year with the exception of ghosts. Black Ops 2 is when competitive took off. The game was really great for snipers. Then ghosts came in and ruined everything. Now AW seems to be really good. Almost...
  6. ReaperTV

    Who is your favourite CoD Youtuber?

    I enjoy watching the OpTic guys. But I love Clayster's videos a lot. I think hes a really good player and really cares about his fans. Hes the type of player that I would want to be as hes won many championships. Watching his videos helped me a lot in getting better at playing COD.
  7. ReaperTV

    Battlefield vs Call of Duty: Who Wins?

    In my opinion I would say Call Of Duty.I love the game much more than battlefield although they both are very good. There is ALOT more competitive support. I enjoy fast paced game play and the idea of perks and kill streaks.
  8. ReaperTV

    Advanced Warfare MLG Pro season starts November 28th

    Yeah i wish they would implement something new too. League play is nice but maybe something with teams.
  9. ReaperTV

    Do you like what Call of Duty has become?

    The weapons and equipment isn't actually unrealistic. yes some things are but its based off of things that are not far off in the military. Call Of Duty was bashed by a lot of people who kept saying it is the same each year, and now when things change people cry about it and want the old cod...
  10. ReaperTV

    Is Advanced Warfare the next big eSports title?

    I think they are. With basically league play, it shows that they are giving the competitive community their attention. They also have been attending competitive events. Also the way the game is setup will require more skill. I think competitive is going to be really fun to watch.
  11. ReaperTV

    Thoughts on the Campaign?

    I think campaign will be great. Sledgehammer made dead space so the campaign should be good. I've heard that they are planning to make the campaign longer too. Also, they had a longer time to develop. I prefer something original. I hope they change it up a bit this year since the campaigns are...
  12. ReaperTV

    Advanced Warfare Scorestreaks detailed in video

    I wonder if competitive will ban the options to customize, if they let these streaks in anyways. I think there will be more diversity if they let these things stay in the game.
  13. ReaperTV

    No love for the PC?

    Theres not really a community for PC so you cant blame them. Call of Duty in general on PC is kind of non existent. Ghosts has a max of 4k people on daily. The other games are pretty much never played. Also there hasn't really been any news for AW on PC. Which makes me kind of worried.
  14. ReaperTV

    How do you play the game?

    You're never really going to "zip around and headshot". If you want to be good at this game you're going to have to think about what your doing. I know you don't want the meta but you're not going to get anywhere without it. 1. Use sound, you might know where people are by where they are...
  15. ReaperTV

    Advanced Warfare MLG Pro season starts November 28th

    Its really cool that they have this. We can finally see a team play another team instead of the same teams due to time issues. Considering AW's new movements and gameplay, i think it will be very fun to watch. Most people hated watching ghosts because it was very bland and all the competitive...
  16. ReaperTV

    Pre-load is over 48GB!

    Considering the engine is highly modified then I'm not surprised. However, considering that size I am expecting the textures and overall graphics to be good in this game unlike the ones in ghosts. I'm considering buying an XBOX and its going to suck having to deal with that download. At least I...