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Advice for new Clans & Squads


Hi there, I thought I'd add my 2 cents here.
I think this is the right section to post this, if not mods please feel free to move this thread.

I want to give out few tips to new clans that are starting out and that they went to get bigger!

Decide a good eye catching clan name. Make it unique, I've seen enough clans using the same name and that is bad and most of the times it kills your website traffic.

Buy a ".com" domain. Make sure your domain name matches your squad name.
Example The LOL Clan w w w . lolclan . c o m (I added spaces purposely).
Always use squad or clan or gaming when you make a domain name, it will make it easier for people to know what your website is about.

Do yourself a favor and buy a good forum software. Free software's are not good and very poor, phpnuke/phpbb are not the greatest software.
Few suggestions on forum softwares:
-Invision Power Board

Always have a front page, having a forum as your front page is bad, you need to add character to your website.

Some front software addons:
-vBulletin CMS (not the greatest)

Front must have a link of the following:
-Important clan announcements
-Servers (list of servers)
-Roster (anything from leaderships to regular members to recruits)
-About Us (History of your squad and when it was founded and what this squad name means)
-Upcoming events + Calendar : (important events coming up for the squad)
-Donation block: (front page donation system is nice to help you recover the costs of your website and servers) New squads should make their donation goal always mid, high goals are bad! Remember you are not here to make money, you are here to expand your community.
-Latest forum threads addon (shows recent threads and posts made on the forums)

Recruit many members in the first few weeks, but be very careful on who you recruit, your members are your squad/clan face, it only takes one to ruin your squad/clan reputation!
Always make a recruitment template for your forums so people know how to post an application to your squad.

We want cool people, we don't want jackasses.
We want 18+ members only.
Must have a clean record on steam, if you were banned from other games your application will be ignored.
Must be a team player and willing to help others all times.
Must always stay positive, if we see you bringing negativeness in this squad you will be booted.
Must be active both on forums and the game servers.
Always obey our server rules.
If we don't make one month's donation we expect you to help us reaching our monthly goal.
We expect you to advertise our website and tell people to register on our website.
Must like out facebook page before applying: The LOL Clan
Must like our steam community page before applying: The LOL Clan | Steam Community
Must be able to run ventrilo while gaming, if you can't then don't bother applying.

-In Game nickname/nicknames:
-Your favorite hobby:
-Your favorite movie:
-Games you play: (Besides CS:S)
-How many hours a week are you online:
-Your previous squad/team: (Squad/Clans that you previously joined)
-Why did you leave your last squad: (If applicable)
-How long have you been playing in our server:
-Why do you want to join The LOL Clan
-Tell us about you:

Dedication, you must be very dedicated to your clan/squad, must be very active on the forums and you should always make it a requirement for new members to be very active on both your forums and servers!

A squad/clan is a very serious thing, you cannot accomplish a reputable clan/squad without spending a dime on it. In the long run you will make up the lost $$.

P.S: If any other squads/members have any suggestions please let me know and I will edit thread and add to it.
Hi there, I thought I'd add my 2 cents here.
I think this is the right section to post this, if not mods please feel free to move this thread.

I want to give out few tips to new clans that are starting out and that they went to get bigger!

Decide a good eye catching clan name. Make it unique, I've seen enough clans using the same name and that is bad and most of the times it kills your website traffic.

Buy a ".com" domain. Make sure your domain name matches your squad name.
Example The LOL Clan w w w . lolclan . c o m (I added spaces purposely).
Always use squad or clan or gaming when you make a domain name, it will make it easier for people to know what your website is about.

Do yourself a favor and buy a good forum software. Free software's are not good and very poor, phpnuke/phpbb are not the greatest software.
Few suggestions on forum softwares:
-Invision Power Board

Always have a front page, having a forum as your front page is bad, you need to add character to your website.

Some front software addons:
-vBulletin CMS (not the greatest)

Front must have a link of the following:
-Important clan announcements
-Servers (list of servers)
-Roster (anything from leaderships to regular members to recruits)
-About Us (History of your squad and when it was founded and what this squad name means)
-Upcoming events + Calendar : (important events coming up for the squad)
-Donation block: (front page donation system is nice to help you recover the costs of your website and servers) New squads should make their donation goal always mid, high goals are bad! Remember you are not here to make money, you are here to expand your community.
-Latest forum threads addon (shows recent threads and posts made on the forums)

Recruit many members in the first few weeks, but be very careful on who you recruit, your members are your squad/clan face, it only takes one to ruin your squad/clan reputation!
Always make a recruitment template for your forums so people know how to post an application to your squad.

We want cool people, we don't want jackasses.
We want 18+ members only.
Must have a clean record on steam, if you were banned from other games your application will be ignored.
Must be a team player and willing to help others all times.
Must always stay positive, if we see you bringing negativeness in this squad you will be booted.
Must be active both on forums and the game servers.
Always obey our server rules.
If we don't make one month's donation we expect you to help us reaching our monthly goal.
We expect you to advertise our website and tell people to register on our website.
Must like out facebook page before applying: The LOL Clan
Must like our steam community page before applying: The LOL Clan | Steam Community
Must be able to run ventrilo while gaming, if you can't then don't bother applying.

-In Game nickname/nicknames:
-Your favorite hobby:
-Your favorite movie:
-Games you play: (Besides CS:S)
-How many hours a week are you online:
-Your previous squad/team: (Squad/Clans that you previously joined)
-Why did you leave your last squad: (If applicable)
-How long have you been playing in our server:
-Why do you want to join The LOL Clan
-Tell us about you:

Dedication, you must be very dedicated to your clan/squad, must be very active on the forums and you should always make it a requirement for new members to be very active on both your forums and servers!

A squad/clan is a very serious thing, you cannot accomplish a reputable clan/squad without spending a dime on it. In the long run you will make up the lost $$.

P.S: If any other squads/members have any suggestions please let me know and I will edit thread and add to it.
Wow I learned a ton, I did not know how much was involved to keep a clan running in good shape. Thanks

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