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PC Allied Airborne Army


The Allied Airborne Army invites you to visit us www.AlliedAirborneArmy.com!!!

The Allied Airborne Army is a online gaming community that is open to new and experienced gamers. We are a community with a long, distinguished history and Airborne Members pride themselves on a solid foundation of accomplishment and tradition by setting the standards for gaming communities for over a decade.

Are you 21 or older and looking for a mature gaming environment that is active with a great game server, community and enjoys competitions?

The Allied Airborne Army has had numerous Tours of Duty in a wide variety of tournaments and leagues. Including: CAL League, Online Gaming League, Clan Base, and the European Theater of Operation Tactical Realism League. As a competitive command, we enjoy tactical teamwork and has always been a star unit when it comes to the ideology of Tactical Realism. With that in mind we strive to have fun as a community by providing an open and exciting gaming experience. Join us and engage in rifle tournaments, competitive combat, training and practice, or a fun night on the server.

CLICK HERE to visit our Messhall for more information.

We always inviting new soldiers, regardless of skill level. So, whether this is your first FPS or your one hundredth, become a part of Allied Airborne Army community. Gaming with us on our servers, join us on Teamspeak, or contact us on the forums.

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