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Amazon suggests Black Ops 3 release date could be Nov 3rd

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Amazon seems to have updated a listing for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Day Zero Edition to a release date of Nov 3, 2015 and has allowed preorders for this. What’s odd is that Advanced Warfare Day Zero Edition launched Nov 3, 2014 and it’s not clear why Amazon would allow preorders for an already released title.

This could be an error in their system or Amazon could be updating listings to add on Black Ops 3 for preorders. November 3rd is the first Tuesday in November, which lines up with Advanced Warfare and Ghosts release timeframes.

We’ll know an official release date with the world reveal on April 26th.

Amazon has updated the listing to state that Advanced Warfare Day Zero Edition is in stock and not a preorder item.

SOURCE: Amazon


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Place holder:

Release Date:
December 31, 2015


Staff member
Probably placeholders until Activision says so. Trailer's not far, so stay patient! :)
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