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Warzone Another Camo Bug?

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New to the forum, so apologies if this has already been answered.

Long story short, not played WarZone/MW in a while, but recently booted it back up. Noticed my rank had been set back to zero, but my guns and unlocks were all still there, so didn’t really care.

I did notice, however, that my camo had been removed from my guns and it wouldn’t allow me to put them back on. This is NOT the bug that prevents you from progressing with camo unlocks, or that re-locks camos you’ve already unlocked - they’re all still there - I just can’t keep them applied to my guns.

I put them on, click off the Loadout screen, and they disappear.

Tried restarting the game a few times, searched for updates, re-did my loadouts, uninstalled and re-installed the game, but nothing seems to be working, and I can’t find anyone experiencing the same issue.

Also worth mentioning that my other weapon cosmetics are unaffected (reticles, key chain things, etc.).

Has anyone got any ideas? It’s doing my nut in.

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