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Are monarchy’s and Dictatorships good


Yes the ruling under one person is a GREAT idea BUT the way people become corrupt and self centered is what makes the idea bad. The ONLY person I have EVER heard of that didn’t become 100% corrupt is Julius Cesar he cared a lot about the people including the poor. At this time the Roman Republic was kinda turning into the Empire but either way Julius made the decisions. AND NO I’m no f***ing communist or Anarchist I just agree with the idea oh Monarchy and Dictatorships but I also believe people do need to be free and have rights (thank you America). Comment below on what you you think about my comment. Don’t forget to like the comment and follow me on TapaTalk to keep up with all my posts.

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To the question: No, and hell to the no.

On September 11th, 2001 - We witnessed the world's most terrifying terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Orchestrated by Osama Bin Laden. But the conflict between U.S. and Bin Laden didn't start here. It started during the insurgence of the Middle East in the 90's. Guess who was in charge then? The Bushes, the Clintons. Guess which dictatorship came to life? Saddam Hussein. He killed his own people. He poisoned his people. All for what? Money, power? Fuck that. New terrorist groups were formed during this time. Al Qaeda, and their sister groups, then later, ISIS.

So, you tell me: Is dictatorship a good thing? Is Monarchy a good thing? Answer: No.


To the question: No, and hell to the no.

On September 11th, 2001 - We witnessed the world's most terrifying terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Orchestrated by Osama Bin Laden. But the conflict between U.S. and Bin Laden didn't start here. It started during the insurgence of the Middle East in the 90's. Guess who was in charge then? The Bushes, the Clintons. Guess which dictatorship came to life? Saddam Hussein. He killed his own people. He poisoned his people. All for what? Money, power? Fuck that. New terrorist groups were formed during this time. Al Qaeda, and their sister groups, then later, ISIS.

So, you tell me: Is dictatorship a good thing? Is Monarchy a good thing? Answer: No.

As I’ve said the actual idea of the two governments are great only if you have the right person to do it. And Osama Bin Laden was a terrorist not all monarchy’s and dictatorships are terrorist. Look at Norway they are a monarchy and one of our closest allies

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