I have been banned from blizzard call of duty black ops cold war /Warzone/And Modern Warefareafter last update it said i have had an email sent but have not received
I play on line with by daughter every night only chat through discord do not use ingame chat so cant be anything i have said.
I Am 50 years old and play for for fun if i was using aimbot i Think my kill to death ratio would be better than 1.4
And i will be honest when i had black ops 2 i put on a macro to help me fire with semi automatic weapons becouse of arthritis got banned and served me right that was nearly 10 years ago on steam and after that never done it again i have 30.000 grands worth of games on steam and not that stupid to take the risk.
I have a 1000 subs on my youtube channel and mod alot of games i dont even use reshade on online games because of the risk of being banned.
Whats worse when i try to appeal it wont send tried different browsers and just get error does anyone no of another way to contact them thanks mark im in the uk.
I play on line with by daughter every night only chat through discord do not use ingame chat so cant be anything i have said.
I Am 50 years old and play for for fun if i was using aimbot i Think my kill to death ratio would be better than 1.4
And i will be honest when i had black ops 2 i put on a macro to help me fire with semi automatic weapons becouse of arthritis got banned and served me right that was nearly 10 years ago on steam and after that never done it again i have 30.000 grands worth of games on steam and not that stupid to take the risk.
I have a 1000 subs on my youtube channel and mod alot of games i dont even use reshade on online games because of the risk of being banned.
Whats worse when i try to appeal it wont send tried different browsers and just get error does anyone no of another way to contact them thanks mark im in the uk.