Hey all, I have a problem on BOCW. Overnight, my account's level went from Prestige 1, level 22 to Prestige 1, level 1. After submitting a ticket via the platform's tools, I was told to post here. I use Battle.net on PC and I recently started playing BOCW again. That was when I prestiged (my first time ever, since I didn't play this game for a long while). After playing some Zombies and Multiplayer, I logged off for the night. When I came back this morning, my account had apparently been bumped down to P1, LVL 1. I didn't lose any attachements or weapons, and apparently this bug exists in other COD games after doing some googling.
Actually, here's an update; earlier, I played a Zombies match in BOCW and leveled up to P1, LVL 2. When I went back into the game just now, I was back at P1, LVL 1. What is going on?
Actually, here's an update; earlier, I played a Zombies match in BOCW and leveled up to P1, LVL 2. When I went back into the game just now, I was back at P1, LVL 1. What is going on?