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Warzone Camos, charms and stickers aesthetics

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Does anyone else find most of the CW camos awful looking? I won't even focus on the bugs, where if you paint your Krig you get cutouts and holes around the handguard like it's supposed to be for another barrel and not the Civ Mil for example. Most of the camos have completely unrealistic colour choices containing bright whites yellows and oranges with a small handful of exceptions. Same goes for a slew of charms and stickers. I get that the 80ies are supposed to have that twist to them but it's really frustrating having 90% of the artwork choices being trolly and wild. That goes for most weapon blueprints too. If we wanted a cartoony kind of game we would be already playing something like fortnite. Would be nice to hear how the rest of the community finds the CW's artwork. Looking forward to some realistic and tasteful additions to the games art.
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