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Cesspool of cheats, hacks aimbot and racism


Anyone sick of activision doing absolutely nothing to combat’s the prevalence of cheats, mods, hacks and aimbots? Not to mention the racism and sexual harassment….. I think it’s actually grounds for a class action lawsuits. They are not holding their end of the purchase agreement.
yeah, its pretty bad. Just last night I tried to give props to a team for a well played game and they went off calling me every nasty thing they could think of. And all I did was say "great game guys, that was awesome sniping". And per the voices it sounded like grown adults doing this. I just don't get the thrill in feeling like a tough guy for winning a video game.
Come across this time and time again. One player sniping across the map through all of the buildings.

Another one in the same clan obviously with keyboard/mouse with aim assist.

Pisses me off, but like I told one of them.

You must be really shit at this game if you need to do that. Why don't you go and play Roblox

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