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Co-Op Raid #1 and #2


Don't play co-op a lot, just need to get through these two for the swag. Get all the way to the end on #1 just to fail time and time again. Never even got to #2 yet. Anybody out there can help me complete these 2 would be greatly appreciated. I'm NA East coast, but whatever is good for you, I'll be there. If interested drop a comment, we can set a date and time. Thanks.


Fallen Angel
Same Boat Rex, Read up on them they are WAY more difficult and intricate than I ever thought a video game would be
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Same Boat Rex, Read up on them they are WAY more difficult and intricate than I ever thought a video game would be
I think I got the gist of it now, want to set a time, see if we can grab a 3rd with comms and give it a run. It's Saturday May 6 here, can play all


Fallen Angel
Sorry I typically do not check these boards on the weekend and I did not get a reply mail that I saw or at least recall over the weekend, it may have come thru and I deleted it thinking it was spam. Sorry.

I typically am on 9pm to midnight m-f weekends are hit or miss for me . I umpire a lot of LL baseball so I am super busy lately.

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