Activision and Co. has revealed plans to release a Call of Duty: Ghosts demo on Xbox Live over the weekend. The CODGhosts demo will be available to Xbox 360 and Xbox One owners....
The demo will feature...
3 maps
- Strikezone
- Warhawk
- Prison Break
4 Gamemodes
- Team Deathmatch
- Search & Rescue
- Domination
- Extinction
This is a perfect chance for new players to try out Call of Duty: Ghosts. This'd be a great time for you to share with your friends what the hoopla around Call of Duty: Ghosts is all about...
Source: GamerHeadlinesActivision and Infinity Ward, publisher and developer respectively, have made the decision to allow for the multiplayer of its most recent Call of Duty title, Call of Duty: Ghosts, to be made available for free on Xbox Live this coming weekend. Wrapped up in a nice demo package, those of you who own an Xbox 360 or an Xbox One will have a chance to play the modern-day shooter’s multiplayer starting from this Friday (March 7) until next Monday (March 10), the day before Titanfall drops in the US.
The demo will feature...
3 maps
- Strikezone
- Warhawk
- Prison Break
4 Gamemodes
- Team Deathmatch
- Search & Rescue
- Domination
- Extinction
This is a perfect chance for new players to try out Call of Duty: Ghosts. This'd be a great time for you to share with your friends what the hoopla around Call of Duty: Ghosts is all about...