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Xbox Live CODGhosts demo arrive on March 7

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Staff member
Activision and Co. has revealed plans to release a Call of Duty: Ghosts demo on Xbox Live over the weekend. The CODGhosts demo will be available to Xbox 360 and Xbox One owners....
Activision and Infinity Ward, publisher and developer respectively, have made the decision to allow for the multiplayer of its most recent Call of Duty title, Call of Duty: Ghosts, to be made available for free on Xbox Live this coming weekend. Wrapped up in a nice demo package, those of you who own an Xbox 360 or an Xbox One will have a chance to play the modern-day shooter’s multiplayer starting from this Friday (March 7) until next Monday (March 10), the day before Titanfall drops in the US.
Source: GamerHeadlines

The demo will feature...

3 maps
- Strikezone
- Warhawk
- Prison Break

4 Gamemodes
- Team Deathmatch
- Search & Rescue
- Domination
- Extinction

This is a perfect chance for new players to try out Call of Duty: Ghosts. This'd be a great time for you to share with your friends what the hoopla around Call of Duty: Ghosts is all about...
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