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[Destructoid] Modern Warfare 2 DLC exclusive to 360 for 30 days

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Microsoft has revealed that its deal with Activision and Infinity Ward to keep downloadable content for Modern Warfare 2 exclusive to the 360 for 30 days.

Speaking with Eurogamer, a spokesperson said "So it will be available on other platforms, but you get to try and play on Xbox 360 first." The same spokesperson also used the wording "content packs" -- not the plural. This may indicate that future Modern Warfare 2 will also be exclusive to 360 for a limited time as well.

In other news, Screw Attack's "Hard News" is reporting that anonymous sources have revealed to them a March 1 date for this first batch of DLC. The official official word is "spring," however, so whatever the case it won't be long now.
Personally March 1st is a very ambitious release date but Infinity Ward could have possibly started work on the first DLC towards the end of Modern Warfare 2's development.

As for the time-exclusive for 360, this will no doubt upset the PS3 fanbase but it's only 30 days!

Microsoft clarifies Mod War 2 DLC deal [Eurogamer]
Hard News 01/19/10 [Screw Attack]
Source: Destructoid.com
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