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DMZ DMZ. Distance graphics gone bad season 5


Hi all

Has anyone got a fix or heard of this before? My graphics have always been ultra, and the relevant display settings have been the same. but since the season 5 update the distance graphics are awful, i zoom into a bulding or a vehicle and its just a box, literaly looks like minecraft. all the close graphics are perfect its just 250 metres or so out. anyone got any ideas on whats going on?

thank you :)

Also i am playing on PC
im on pc and havnt noticed any thing like that. i play with in game settings on extreme and dlss on ultra. what is your specs
I also play with settings on extreme etc, always had good FPS, clear and nice and smooth, anything over 300 metres ish looks like play doh/ a blob. never had this before season 5

my specs are:
3070 8gb GPU
16gb ram
1tb hardrive
AMD ryzen 5 5600 CPU
Hi all

Has anyone got a fix or heard of this before? My graphics have always been ultra, and the relevant display settings have been the same. but since the season 5 update the distance graphics are awful, i zoom into a bulding or a vehicle and its just a box, literaly looks like minecraft. all the close graphics are perfect its just 250 metres or so out. anyone got any ideas on whats going on?

thank you :)

Also i am playing on PC
After season 5 they changed some of my graphics setting. Today when started the game dlss suddenly was disabled. Activisions motto must be fix 1 problem and make 2 new ones

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