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DMZ DMZ - Party making logics


First of all this game is great, it shows a lot of potential but beside other things *I won't mention in this thread, why is the team making for QUADS + TRIO so bad?
You look for a party, you get to be the party leader then all of a sudden you are not the leader anymore and you get kicked out! - this kick out is detrimental and not needed. The same happens when the team lead decides (mid game) that if he is dead he can quit WITH THE TEAM!
This is very infuriating and quite poorly concepted.
The same happens when the team lead decides (mid game) that if he is dead he can quit WITH THE TEAM!
This is very infuriating and quite poorly concepted.

That's a squad issue you need to take up with the douche that does that and never squad with him/her again.
BTW, when you get put with randoms, there is no team lead. The other 2 randoms can leave at will if they want. Have seen it many times. Had a match last night where one random in my squad went for exfil right away, leaving us 2 behind. Then he went off on his own, so I went for exfil. He got downed and I wasn't gonna run all the way to him.


when playing QUADS and TRIOS is even more damaging, because one member is crucial for the entire team. When just playing DMZ it's ok, they can do whatever they want but not Survival Mode, unacceptable

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