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Do you think Black Ops 2 was the worst CoD ?

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Modern Warfare 3 was the worst in my opinion. I know alot of people may disagree but I think it was just too EASY, I bought every COD since the original CAll of Duty but I didnt buy MW3 borowed it off a friend, got a few MOABs then got bored


Staff member
Between MW2, and MW3, I can't choose the worst one. But those two are the worst. The spawns suck.
I think every COD has had both bad and good elements to it. The best thing about BO2 imo is the scorestreaks. I know that in previous COD's I would be a more cautious player and often be more concerned with getting a good score or high killstreak than jumping on the objective and trying to win. Now in BO2 playing the objective is all I ever do. I hope that this system carries over to Ghosts.


I would have to say, yeah it's the worst cod. Its the only cod game I have had to take breaks from because I got so bored of it, and I've been playing cod since World at War.
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