• Greetings, Devil Dog! Welcome to the Call of Duty Forums. It looks like you're looking forward to Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, but haven't created an account yet. Why not take a minute to register for your own free account now? As a member you get free access to all of our forums and posts plus the ability to post your own messages, communicate directly with other members and much more.
Hello there potential recruit,

Are you tired of being judged for your game skill? Have you ever wanted a community that you can game with no matter what? Well here at Eclipse Gaming Syndicate, we want to create an atmosphere that allows you to do just that. We are still very new and are trying to get loyal members in to help build the community. We plan on having different things to offer in the community, such as, a ranking system, events, competitive teams (in the future), squads to allow you to have groups of people to game with on similar games, dedicated leadership that wants to provide a unique place for you!

If you are interested or would like more information, you can message me on discord EGS Eagle V#0730 or my Vice President at QueenofM16 IV#0564. You can also join our discord, and talk to our staff there. Here is the discord channel link --> https://discord.gg/hVS5c4d

Or if you feel like you want to join right away, our site link is --> https://egsclan.enjin.com Just register or sign into your Enjin account and then join our site. After that, if you still would like to join, simply click the Join EGS tab on the main menu. If you are on a mobile device, I suggest clicking "view desktop mode" at the very bottom of the screen.

Unfortunately, at this time we only support Xbox One members. Hopefully in the near future we can support other consoles.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Happy Gaming, EGS President.
Couple of updates. We are now on egs-clan.com . We are still recruiting for Xbox, Inckuding WWII, Fortnite, ESO, and others.

**Brand New** we are now on PS4. We are recruiting members for Fortnite and WWII on PS4.
Hey what’s up my name is EGS King I am a Captain at EGS which stands for Eclipse Gaming Syndicate and we are looking too expand doesn’t matter what console ps4 or Xbox one we play multiple different games at the moment our clan is based on making a bigger community of people to play with this way you almost always have a friend online if anyone is interested message me on Xbox my GT is EGS King you have to be at least 15 years or older to join thanks!
I have xbox 1 do you have any members that play Bo2? If so im interested. K/D 2.05.
Best way to contact me is through xbox my GT- KingCali1997.
Thank you.
We are still recruiting for WWII, for PS4 and XB1. We are also recruiting for BO4 on both. Feel free to check us out egs-clan.com. If you are interested you can register and submit an app there, or message our recruitment Twitter. @JoinEGS
Eclipse Gaming Syndicate are looking for new people to join our ranks to grow as members and leaders. We do require you to be 15 and Up and have a mic. Discord is mandatory to have. We also have a ranking strucutre along with gamenights, meetings and etc. We been around for almost 20 months. Interested in joining us feel free to hit us up if you have a xbox or playstation
My Discord is:
Devil Cat#2008
Hey, I'm looking for new recruits for EGS clan all u need is to be 15 have a mic, not in a clan and have discord. If ur interested add my discord @EGS_MantaRay#7644
Are you looking to join a gaming community. Look right here as EGS looking for members that are 15 and Up and have a mic. We use discord to communicate. If interested hit us up.

We have:
EGS Events
Events Within Squads
EGS Tourneys
Discord Events
Ranking Structure
Leadership Structure
Multpal Games
No Tryouts
No Competive Right Now.
Recruiting/Training Procedure
And More

If Interested In Joining EGS.
Hit Me Up: Xbox tag - Taylor III
Discord: Taylor#9745
Head To Our Website:
Hello Everyone. If Interested In Joining A Fun Friendly Not Competive Gaming Community. Look Right Here. We only Required You To Be 15 And Up And Have A Mic And Discord. We Play Multiple Games Like COD, RL, D2, R6 And Etc. We Do Have A Ranking Structure Along With Squad Activities Within The Squad And Community. our main games are GTA V Rocket League Rainbow 6 Siege Modern Warfare Destiny 2 Apex Legends The Division 2 Fortnite . If You Have Any Questions Or Interested In Joining EGS Feel Free To Hit Us Up. Our website. Egsxclan.com My Discord is: EGS Trippy if you have any questions let me know
Hey, Eclipse Gaming Syndicate is looking for new people to join our community. We are a multi console community (Xbox,PS and PC) that has been around for over 2 years. We do not ask for K/D or anything like that as that's not important, Our only requirements are to be 15+,have a mic and discord.
We play many games like call of duty,destiny,rocket league ect. Also we are an international community.
If you would like to know more message me on discord... EGS Sveinbjörn V#0420

Or you could visit our site here :

Eclipse Gaming Syndicate is looking for new people to join our community. We are a multi console community (Xbox,PS and PC) that has been around for over 2 years. We do not ask for K/D or anything like that as that's not important we are here to have fun. Our only requirements are to be 15+,have a mic and discord.

We play many games like call of duty,destiny,rocket league aswell as other games. Also we are an international community.

If you would like to know more message me on discord... EGS Sveinbjørn V #0420

Or you could visit our site: https://www.egsxclan.com/topic/33-join-egs-application-read-here-first/

Thanks for reading and happy gaming


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Eclipse Gaming Syndicate is looking for new people to join our community. We are a multi console community (Xbox,PS and PC) that has been around for over 2 years. We do not ask for K/D or anything like that as that's not important we are here to have fun. Our only requirements are to be 15+,have a mic and discord.

We play many games like call of duty,destiny,rocket league l, elden ring aswell as other games. Also we are an international community.

If you would like to know more message me on discord... EGS Sveinbjørn V#0420 or visit our site
EGS is looking for gamers of all platforms have a look at the poster and it'll give you information about us. Or you can message me on discord at Sveinbjørn#0420


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