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Xbox Live eR Clan recruitment for WW2

Eraze Gaming is looking to reburst back on to the COD scene again since it's back to boots on the ground.
We started a few years ago back on COD: Ghosts but then slowly died over the newer games.
We did do youtube but I deleted most of the videos, it consisted of games played, montages and team tages.
I would like to try and restart all of that but first of all we will need to start the recruitment process

Please comment below using the formula and I will have a look over.

AVG K:D Ratio:
How often you play:
Availible for GB'S/ Clan games:
Have you got a headset?:
Have you got outside communication? (Skype etc..):


Eraze Gaming is looking to reburst back on to the COD scene again since it's back to boots on the ground.
We started a few years ago back on COD: Ghosts but then slowly died over the newer games.
We did do youtube but I deleted most of the videos, it consisted of games played, montages and team tages.
I would like to try and restart all of that but first of all we will need to start the recruitment process

Please comment below using the formula and I will have a look over.

Name: Mark
AVG K:D Ratio: 1.40
How often you play: every day
Availible for GB'S/ Clan games: I am
Have you got a headset?: Yes
Have you got outside communication? (Skype etc..):
Yes I have skype


Eraze Gaming is looking to reburst back on to the COD scene again since it's back to boots on the ground.
We started a few years ago back on COD: Ghosts but then slowly died over the newer games.
We did do youtube but I deleted most of the videos, it consisted of games played, montages and team tages.
I would like to try and restart all of that but first of all we will need to start the recruitment process

Please comment below using the formula and I will have a look over.

Name:Ryan B
Gamertag: Bink my Dink
Age: 16
AVG K:D Ratio: 1.4-1.9
How often you play: whenever you need me to
Availible for GB'S/ Clan games: yes
Have you got a headset?:yes
Have you got outside communication? (Skype etc..):

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