Hello Everyone,
My name is Andrea. I am conducting research as a part of my Master’s thesis at the University of Lethbridge. I seek to explore female gamers’ experiences as they are interacting with other players and playing multiplayer online games.
I am seeking individuals who identify as female who also play online multiplayer games.
The survey takes approximately 15-20 minutes. I would like to capture thoughts and perspectives on the player interactions that female gamers may be experiencing in game. Your responses to the questions in the Qualtrics survey will be kept confidential. There are no personal identifier questions.
There is no compensation for participating in this study. However, your participation will lead to valuable research information that can help inform and shape the online community. If you are willing to participate please click on the link. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
My name is Andrea. I am conducting research as a part of my Master’s thesis at the University of Lethbridge. I seek to explore female gamers’ experiences as they are interacting with other players and playing multiplayer online games.
I am seeking individuals who identify as female who also play online multiplayer games.
The survey takes approximately 15-20 minutes. I would like to capture thoughts and perspectives on the player interactions that female gamers may be experiencing in game. Your responses to the questions in the Qualtrics survey will be kept confidential. There are no personal identifier questions.
There is no compensation for participating in this study. However, your participation will lead to valuable research information that can help inform and shape the online community. If you are willing to participate please click on the link. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.