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Guide to Prestige in Advanced Warfare - FAQ

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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Prestige Guide FAQ

How many prestiges are available at launch in Advanced Warfare?

A) There will be 15 prestige available in Multiplayer

Q) How many levels will their be per prestige?

A) Each Prestige will have 50 levels

Q) Does loot from supply drops carry over when you prestige?

A) Yes, your loot you've unlocked via supply drops will carry over when you prestige. However you will not have access to weapon loot until you've unlocked the base version of the gun.

Q) Do weapons and attachments carry over when you prestige?

A) No, weapons and attachments will not carry over when you prestige

Q) Can one item be permanently unlocked each prestige?

A) Yes, one item can be unlocked each time you prestige and that item will then always be available when you prestige from the start.

Q) Are titles/badges lost after you prestige?

A) At this time no official answer has been provided. However it will be assumed that like in previous games, badges and titles will not be reset when you prestige.

Q) Can you reset your stats when you reach max prestige?

A) At this time no official answer has been given

Q) Are additional Create a Class slots unlocked when you prestige?

A) At this time no official answer has been given
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If you have any questions you wish to add, post them below and I'll add them to the list. This thread will be updated as new information comes out. If you think you've got an answer to an unanswered question then please post it below and give a source so we know its a credible answer.

Thanks :D


Q) Does loot from supply drops carry over when you prestige?

A) Yes, your loot you've unlocked via supply drops will carry over when you prestige. However you will not have access to weapon loot until you've unlocked the base version of that gun.

Does that not answer the question?


I love the Prestige system and I think it keeps the game fresh and engaging... I just hope they stick to their guns. No need to add additional prestiges after the fact.


Active Member
I love the Prestige system and I think it keeps the game fresh and engaging... I just hope they stick to their guns. No need to add additional prestiges after the fact.

This. One of the reasons I liked previous cods was the fact that you hit max rank then just enjoyed the game. (i.e. Cod 4 MW1)

I get that adding more prestiges, to a point at least, added longevity to the game, but it seemed a little ridiculous in some of the cods.

On topic, thanks for the info @Derri!
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