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Hacker: [ADBD]MuhanBoi


Modern Warfare is getting worse and worse, there are a bunch of hackers now, I just ran into a game with this kid named WuhanBoi, I am 100% he was hacking no doubt about it, he pre aimed every single corner and knew where we were at, his ADS speed was also incredible. Please ban him, you can even go to his stats and see what I am talking about. BAN HIM!!


PC Gamer: Nearly Dangerous
I just checked his stats, he has an average Score Per Minute of 438, a negative KD at 4.55 so that would look normal to me.

Looking at the stats from recent games he is getting massive KDs going up to 11 and sometimes getting over 100 kills per game.

Do those stats look normal?


PC Gamer: Nearly Dangerous
I use the Official Call of Duty App on my Android phone but I think it is available on iOS too. Plus if you open the app at least once a week you get an in-game reward like extra XP Tokens.


Also ran into him the other night, hes def hacking.
Modern Warfare is getting worse and worse, there are a bunch of hackers now, I just ran into a game with this kid named WuhanBoi, I am 100% he was hacking no doubt about it, he pre aimed every single corner and knew where we were at, his ADS speed was also incredible. Please ban him, you can even go to his stats and see what I am talking about. BAN HIM!!

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